The Medicine for the Warriors
Natural and powerful way
to detoxify body, mind and spirit,
to strengthen the immune system,
to release emotional blockages, to restore mental clarity, and most importantly,
to help your body heal itself.

Kambo Session
As a Kambo practitioner trained in the Amazon jungle I combine Matses tradition with modern approach. I use only ethically sourced Kambo by the Matses tribe of Peru who are one of the main guardians of this secret medicine and who initiated me into this secret work.
If you wish to book a Kambo session, please fill out the Application Form below and I will get back to you shortly.
What is kambo?
Kambo. The medicine for the warriors or also known as ”the vaccine of the forest is a powerful frog medicine used by the indigenous people of the Amazon with profound healing and detoxifying qualities.
Kambo medicine gives a massive boost to the immune system and brings renewed vitality to the mind, body and spirit. It consists of the skin secretions of the South American nocturnal treefrog (lat. Phyllomedusa bicolor).
Because of its potent effect on the whole human organism, the frog’s secretion has been used for ages in the Amazon area. The local tribesmen traditionally use it for:
- Healing and cleansing of the body
- Physical strength and stamina
- Spiritual and mental clarity
- Luck and zest for life (a feeling of enjoyment and enthusiasm for life)

Benefits of Kambo
On the physical level
Kambo detoxifies the body, strengthens the immune system and activates self-healing abilities within the body. It is a natural antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and thereby kills bacteria, viruses and fungi. It also has profound anti-inflammatory properties, ability to cleans the blood and improve general well-being.
Kambo has been used to help treating anxiety, depression, addiction, chronic pain, fertility issues, Lyme disease, migraines, organ diseases, skin and eye issues, herpes, candida, infections, arthritis, viruses (even HIV) and a host of other physical maladies! Kambo can be also very effective in dealing with Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, rheumatism and joint disorders, malaria, diabetes, hepatitis, post chemotherapy, disease prevention and many more.
Although there is no doubt of the wide range of uses of Kambo, it is necessary to find the right treatment specific to each person and condition. The regularity of treatments and correct dosage are also vital in order to have the most continuous beneficial effects.
There has been no modern clinical research done on humans to illustrate its curative nature. This is why we need to be patient before officially calling Kambo a medicine, however there is many people that have experienced the potency of the Kambo which is good thing to acknowledge. Kambo helped many people with a variety of conditions which explains why it’s known as the ”vaccine of the forest.” It contains many bioactive peptides which are helping the body to heal itself.
On the energetic level
The tribesmen of the Amazon use this medicine to clear themselves from ‘’panema’’ which is the thick cloud of haziness that sits on top of the energy field of a person. ‘Panema’ can also be translated as bad luck, laziness, depression, or confusion. It is the state of being that attracts discomfort and disease.
Kambo is said to remove ‘Panema’ and bring the person back to his/her natural state of perfect harmony and highest physical, emotional and spiritual potential, reconnecting one to self.
According to the tribes, when nothing is going right in your life, it is the right moment to take Kambo.
Kambo is a cleansing agent for ‘Panema’ so after the treatment most people feel a strong optimism and clearness of the mind. They may feel recharged in strength and stamina and capable to achieve their goals. It is said that everything flows a bit better in the life after taking Kambo, because externally we always attract the thing that is going on internally.
On the individual level
If the impression has arisen that Kambo can cure anything, one still has to consider that every human being is unique. The outcome of the treatments can vary in their effects as well as in the amount of time it may take to feel those effects. Everybody is different and so every session can be a bit different. Kambo works on many levels and is unique in its translation. It is very important to not compare Kambo with conventional medicines. To gain true long-term benefits of healing, one often has to make healthy lifestyle changes in addition to the treatment.

Preparation and the Kambo Session
A few days before the session, at least a day or two, it is recommended to follow a light diet. This means avoiding processed and fried foods or foods that are difficult to digest. It is also recommended to stop drinking alcohol and taking other drugs, as this will allow you to cleanse your body more deeply. For this purpose, it is recommended to be sufficiently hydrated beforehand. With water, not sugary drinks.
Kambo has the best effect if you use it on an empty stomach. Therefore, you should not consume any solid or liquid food for around 10 hours before the treatment. Hydrating yourself with water is of course, fine.
During the treatment is advisable to wear comfortable clothes. The whole treatment may take around 2 hours and it is advisable not to have any schedules after the session as in some cases one may feel to rest and have time for integration.
When you arrive at the session, we first talk and set the intention that will support you most at the given moment. During the conversation you will drink 2 liters of water, as water helps the body eliminate the toxins – both physical and energetic ones. Yes, the medicine is purgative meaning toxins are most often eliminated with the help of water through spontaneous vomiting or bowl movement. Toxins must be flushed out of the body somehow, so this are two most common ways.
Kambo is then applied to lightly burned skin – usually on the hand, but only enough to remove the first layer of the skin. The number of dots depends on the individual, usually somewhere between 1 and 7 dots. Kambo’s secretion is applied on and soon one can feel the medicine circulating in the body through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream to purify the body and help it on its way to balance.

During the Session
The effects will be noticeable shortly after the secretion is applied onto the burned area (usually after 1- 3 min). The Kambo medicine goes straight into the lymphatic system and from there into the bloodstream.
The effects can differ from person to person and from treatment to treatment. In most cases, the first effect is that the blood flushes up into the head. This will be perceived as heat in the facial area and the rest of the body. Sometimes this can be accompanied by a fastening of the heartbeat, very often followed by nausea and vomiting out toxins.
The treatment may also be accompanied by sweating – this is just another way of how the body gets rid of toxins. Eye discharge, chills, cramps, dizziness, numbness in the hands and physical weakness can occur symptomatically. Sometimes someone might feel a need to scream or cry. That’s all good. Kambo is pulling not only physical but emotional toxins that need to be released. The symptoms might vary in quality and quantity depending on the individual, the area the medicine will work on and the dose.
Usually, the most intense part of the treatment will only take between 20 – 30 minutes and only in very few cases it might take a bit longer or a bit shorter.
All in all, you will go through a short “discomfort” during the treatment and excrete a lot of toxins. Even though you might feel tired after this process you will recover quickly, feeling energized and strong.
After the Session
Most likely you’ll feel great, though you may feel tired straight after the session. It is recommended to eat and rest after. The more body is toxic, the more it needs to rest. You’ll be able to drive home but have time to relax and don’t make big plans for the rest of the day. Have a day off. Enjoy a hot bath or a nice walk with your dog.
In the days and weeks following, people often report positive mood, high stamina, quick reaction time, heightened senses, emotional or mental breakthroughs, better sport performance, increased energy level, inner peace, clarity of mind, focus, motivation and/or less stress.
The positive effects of the Kambo can sometimes already be perceived straight after the session. Some people report that their well-being improved from day to day, or in some cases that it even took up to a week for an improvement became noticeable.
Kambo works with your intention and what is most needed in the moment. Upon receiving it, the medicine scans your body and goes where it’s most needed. Working with the Frog Spirit is a very personal relationship and will vary every time, depending upon your intention and what the spirit is calling for.
Scientific Research
The Kambo secretion based on human use was first researched and described by western scientists John Daly, Vittorio Erspamer and their team, published in 1992. Vittorio Erspamer already published an article based on his studies of peptides in Phyllomedusa skin “a huge factory and storehouse of active peptides” in 1985.
Those bioactive peptides are also the reason why the pharma-industry is so interested in it, developing a new medication from one of the peptides could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars and there are already several patents existing on some of the peptides.
Dermorphin – Dermorphin has an opiate like effect on mu-opioid receptors, making it a very potent painkiller with effects 30-40 times stronger than morphine.
Deltorphin – Deltorphin is also a powerful painkiller and delta opioid agonist.
Phyllomedusin – A neuropeptide that has a powerful effect on intestines and bowels, contributing to the purging often experienced when taking Kambo.
Phyllokinin – This neuropeptide can cause a long lasting reduction in blood pressure.
Phyllocaerulein – Another potent painkiller that reduces blood pressure and affects thermoregulation.
Adenoregulin – A 33 amino acid peptide that works with the adenosine receptor. This antibiotic peptide can have harm-reducing effects against a myriad of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, including cancer cells.
Dermaseptin – Induces potent antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeast, fungi, protozoa, and enveloped viruses that often cause severe opportunistic infections.
Tryptophyllins – Highly potent against the yeast candida, may have potential in cardiovascular, inflammatory and anticancer therapy.
More information about the scientific research can be found here: Researchgate.net and Research.net.

Common Questions
If it is used in the right way, Kambo is very safe. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware that this is a very potent secretion, and one has to know how to work with it. Statistically speaking, many more people could suffer side effects from common medication, to use an argument often heard however this should not be an excuse to use it irresponsibly.
The biggest danger could be when a treatment is done by someone that has no experience in this. A white gown and a syringe do not turn a human yet into a doctor. Equally so, a few feathers and a rattle does not make someone a shaman. You should always be mindful to be treated by someone who has experience in this field and nevertheless be sincere with your health conditions since some of them, as listed in the application form, are not compatible with Kambo.
This can be very individual depending on the person’s needs and the health situation, so it is good to have a chat prior to treatment. In general 3 sessions are recommended within one moon cycle, within one month but one single treatment can be sufficient to achieve some desired effects. It is recommended to use Kambo more often than once, because Kambo cleanses our body layer after layer each time. There are several ways how Kambo can be taken, and they may vary from different tribes and practitioners, for example it can be taken for several days in a row (especially when dealing with bigger issues), once a week or few times in a month. In this way you reconnect to the previous treatment and experience an even deeper cleansing.
No, Kambo is not suitable for everyone and that is why it’s not suggested to take Kambo if one of the following conditions applies to you as there could be possibly some contraindications:
- General heart problems
- If you are on medication for blood pressure
- Brain hemorrhage
- Stroke
- Aneurysms or blood clots
- Addison’s Disease
- Esophageal varices
- Pancreatitis
- If you are taking immune-suppressants for organ transplant
- If you are recovering from a major surgical procedure
- If you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy
- Pregnancy
There could be a couple of other cases where it is not recommended to take Kambo, therefore it is necessary to fill out the application form and sincerely state your health situation and/or your concern, so I can let you know if Kambo medicine is suitable for you or not.
Any day and time which suit us both. I conduct individual sessions (with one or two people) in Ljubljana. Group sessions are held less frequently, as the greatest demand is for individual sessions.
- Cozy, layered clothing for hot and cold temperature fluctuations (and a change of clothing in case you will need them). Sleeveless t-shirt is best to have below, so me can easily apply the medicine on your arm.
- A blanket
- A contact lens case with solution added (if you choose to receive Sananga eye drops and wear contact lenses)
- A hair band or clip if your hair is long
- For everything else it will be taken care for
My approach is to work one-to-one or in a small group only; in this way the body is able to release more than just physical toxins, and deep healing is able to occur on all levels. Especially for emotional blockages and traumas, a safe and intimate space is required which is often hard to achieve in group sessions. For this reason, I provide one-to-one sessions to support the integrity of the process, where deep and holistic healing occurs.
Sananga is a traditional Amazonian eye medicine made from fermented shredded root of a shrub called, Tabernaemontana Undulata, from the rain forest. The active ingredient is Ibogaine. Sananga has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous people of Peru and Brazil. These powerful eye drops operate on many levels of healing physical, spiritual, and energetic. The active ingredient acts directly on the root causes of disease, diluting the forces that create Panema (negative energy), depression, and psychosomatic conditions.
On a physical level, it clears and refreshes the eyes, and has been indicated in the treatment of glaucoma, cataracts, astigmatism, conjunctivitis, dry and red eyes, sinusitis, and chronic headaches.
On a energetic level it opens and clears the third eye, expands the aura and balances the chakras. When applied to the eyes it stings for several minutes depending on the strength. A very strong, fresh batch may be quite painful and may cause redness and tearing of the eyes for 15-30 minutes. Local tribes refer to Sananga as “Lighting in the eyes”.
Sananga is a potent medicine that clears the mind and body of distractive energies which allows for new ways of perceiving, seeing and focusing on life.Rape’ pronounced “hapeh”, is an ancient traditional Amazonian medicine made from leaves, seeds, spices, bark, oils, herbs and flowers from medicinal plants, roots and trees. It usually includes Mapacho, also known as jungle tobacco, that is ground and roasted then mixed with ash from sacred wood.
The use of Rape’ is considered to be therapeutic on many levels. On the mental level, it is known for cleansing the mind, as well as helping one to focus, ground and center. On the physical level, Rape’ is known in helping to clear and strengthen the sinuses, relieve a headache, and to aid in the decalcification of the pineal gland. Tribes also use it to connect more deeply with nature’s rhythms, to relax and acquire insights and visions for hunting.
During a Kambo session, Rape’ may be used to cleanse and release energetic blockages, to trigger or deepen a purge, and also to assist with grounding and centering.Price list of Kambo sessions
Private Kambo session for one (2-3 hours)
1 session: 160€
3 sessions within one moon cycle:
150€ /session
Private Kambo session for 2 – 3 participants (3 hours)
1 session: 110€
3 sessions within one moon cycle:
100€ /session
Kambo session for 4 - 8 participants (4-5 hours)
1 session: 90€
3 sessions within one moon cycle:
85€ /session
*All sessions include a consultation, tailored protocol, Sananga and Rapé (optional), organic herbal tea and/or nourishing snack after the treatment.
Application Form
Client's Testimonial

I am Katja Brvar
People say I’m daring when in fact, I don’t know any differently. I wish for a warm home, but you can find me all over the world.
For the last decade, I have lived and travelled to all continents, learning from many teachers, gurus, shamans in deserts, mountains, even jungles. I was living with and learning from Native American people in the Amazon who initiated me into one of their strongest healing practices and my spirit remains deeply connected with their legacy of wisdom today. Here is where the inspiration for my bestselling book Trapped in the Jungle came from, and the work I do today: leading transformative sessions and workshops promoting well-being.
I am a Kambo practitioner, ICF coach, author of a best seller, facilitator of the Power of Breath breathing technique and holistic health. And of course, an enthusiastic biohacker by heart.
And you are here on my website. Welcome!
This side is for you if you are looking for holistic support while making life changes and overcoming challenges on a mental or physical level.
I help to activate inherent self-healing abilities by deepening self-awareness, as well as provide a safe space where healing (emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual) can manifest. I don’t have a magic wand, but I do have numerous powerful tools which will help you overcome the obstacles that are holding you back from authentically shining your own source energy.