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Application form for Kambo session

If you wish to book a Kambo session, please fill out the application form below. All information are used strictly for deciding whether Kambo ceremony is suitable for you or not and will not be shared or exposed to anyone.  

Thank you!



    1. Are you currently taking any medication and what dosage?


    2. Do you have any chronic illness?

    Please specify

    3. Do you have any current medical conditions?

    Please specify

    4. Have you been vaccinated with covid vaccine?

    With which one and how many times?

    5. Do you have any allergies?

    Please specify


    6. Do you or have you in the past suffered from a psychological disorder?

    Please specify

    7. Have you experienced seizures or been diagnosed with epilepsy?

    Please specify

    8. Have you ever had a stroke, heart attack or any other heart related issues?

    Please specify

    9. Are you taking any drugs?

    Please specify

    10. Do you have a drug or alcohol addiction?

    Please specify

    11. Have you had an operation or surgery of any kind recently?

    Please specify

    12. Do you have any cardiovascular problems or very high/low blood pressure?

    Please specify

    13. Is there anything about your physical/mental state I should know about?

    Please specify


    14. Do you have previous experience working with Kambo medicine?

    If so, please specify the last ones.

    15. Why would you like to receive Kambo now?
    Please specify


    Kambo cannot safely be used if you have any of the following health conditions:

    • If you have a heart condition

    • If you have had a stroke

    • If you are on medication for blood pressure

    • If you have had a brain hemorrhage

    • If you have had an aneurysm or blood clot

    • If you have a serious mental health problem

    • If you are currently undergoing chemotherapy or for 6 weeks afterwards

    • If you take immune-suppressant medication for an organ transplant

    • If you have had an organ transplan

    • If you have Addison’s Disease

    • If you have Esophageal varices

    • If you are pregnant

    • If you are breastfeeding a child under 6 months of age

    • If you have had any water-based detox within 3 days prior to your kambo treatment (for example: colonics, enemas, liver flushes)

    I’m happy to receive a newsletter on Katja’s current events and retreats when she’s travelling.