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A Slovenian woman who lived with an Indian family from the Kogi tribe

“Since a young age, I have known that there is a lot more to life than what our society and culture tell us.”
Katja Brvar was truly fortunate when a door to the Kogi Indian tribe opened for her, a tribe which is closed off from the outside world.

Beings and entities exist

“I believe that some beings and entities like us have their own sense of reality within their own individual experiences. And I believe that if people were to abandon their egoistic view that nothing exists beyond what they can see, hear or touch, it would be easier to perceive the coexistence of such worlds with our reality.”

From sleeping with tarantulas to the dark forces of the rainforest

While reading her book Trapped in the Jungle I kept coming back to the cover where it says this is a true story. Is it possible? The adventures of Katja Brvar are anything but ordinary.

How to write an unforgettable adventure? The secrets of the world traveller Katja Brvar

Katja enclosed a note in my copy of her book Trapped in the Jungle saying she wished me a pleasant journey … and journeying through her book wasn’t only pleasant, but magnificent! This is a book that you share with all your friends and family because you want her story to reach as many adventurous souls as possible

V prenatrpani družbi človek težko sliši jezik svoje duše, in ker ne sliši jezika svoje duše, tava v megli ali sledi napačnemu vodstvu


Katja Brvar je ena tistih solo popotnic, ki je bila v zadnjem desetletju s svojim nahrbtnikom več v tujini kot doma. “Nikoli nisem štela v koliko držav sem se podala, jih je bilo po dovolj, da sem morala krepko pred iztekom potnega lista izdelati novega, kajti v njem ni bilo več prostora za štempljanje.