When life delivers you a difficult challenge, you have three choices: to stop the game of life, to play the victim, or to become a warrior. The first two choices – aren’t my domains.
But the third one ignites my passion to guide you on your path with methods and tools adapted to every individual’s unique needs, so that you can overcome your challenges, strengthen your inner power and authentically shine your own source energy.
Holistic support for life changes and challenges both on a mental and physical level.
My book
This book is for those who look different, feel differently,
think differently, function differently.
I see you. I hear you. I feel you.
Remain different. The world needs a change that has to be born outside of the established norms.
The world yearns for change, and that change is – You.

Attention! This book isn’t for every stomach or every mind, but it is for every heart.

The Power of Breath
A simple yet very powerful workshop that safely takes an individual on a profound journey of transformation.
It is based on fact, that the pathway to activating our inner healer lies within us all.
It is one of the best and most natural methods for releasing emotional blockages, calming the mind and strengthening the body.
Holistic session
It combines counseling and coaching, therapeutic touch and sound, the power of breath, shadow work, inner child work, working with unconscious, transforming limiting beliefs, patterns and blockages, and scientifically proven methods and tools that are tailored to the individual’s unique needs.
Especially for interpersonal relationships, emotional distress, depression, anxiety and self-discovery.
The Indigenous people call Kambo the “vaccine from the forest.”
It is a spiritual ceremony that provides an opportunity for relaxation and clarity, which can help in finding balance in daily life and contribute to a sense of well-being.

I am Katja Brvar
People say I’m daring when in fact, I don’t know any differently. I wish for a warm home, but you can find me all over the world.
For the last decade, I have lived and travelled to all continents, learning from many teachers, gurus, shamans in deserts, mountains, even jungles. I was living with and learning from Native American people in the Amazon who initiated me into one of their strongest healing practices and my spirit remains deeply connected with their legacy of wisdom today. Here is where the inspiration for my bestselling book Trapped in the Jungle came from, and the work I do today: leading transformative sessions and workshops promoting well-being.
I am a Kambo practitioner, ICF coach, author of a best seller, facilitator of the Power of Breath breathing technique and holistic health. And of course, an enthusiastic biohacker by heart.
And you are here on my website. Welcome!
This side is for you if you are looking for holistic support while making life changes and overcoming challenges on a mental or physical level.
I help to activate inherent self-healing abilities by deepening self-awareness, as well as provide a safe space where healing (emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual) can manifest. I don’t have a magic wand, but I do have numerous powerful tools which will help you overcome the obstacles that are holding you back from authentically shining your own source energy.